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December 17, 2024

The Coding Error Crisis: How Agentic AI Can Rescue Your Revenue Cycle

In the complex world of healthcare revenue cycle management, claim denials are a costly and frustrating reality. While there are many reasons for denials, coding errors remain a leading culprit, silently draining revenue and creating administrative headaches.

December 17, 2024

Invalid Insurance: Denial #1 in our Series

Welcome back to our ongoing series exploring the common causes of medical billing denials and how to tackle them head-on. In this post, we're diving deep into one of the most frequent culprits: invalid insurance information.

December 17, 2024

The $262 Billion Problem: Tackling Medical Claims Denials

$262 billion. That's how much medical claims denials cost healthcare providers each year. It's a staggering figure that highlights a major pain point in the healthcare industry. But it's not just the direct cost that's concerning; it's the ripple effect these denials have on your entire revenue cycle.

October 18, 2024

Does IR35 apply to offshore staff augmentation?

Amid the widespread labour shortages, an increasing number of UK companies are turning to overseas Staff Augmentation to meet the resource demands of their business.

October 18, 2024

What is Staff Augmentation?

Adaptability and resourcefulness in managing human capital are essential for organisations to stay competitive. A strategy that has gained prominence in recent years is staff augmentation.

October 18, 2024

What hours do offshore staff work?

The principles I explain apply wherever you consider integrating individuals in different time zones into one team. However, for illustration, I will use clients' perspectives in the UK and how we support them with our India-based team. Other offshore staffing providers might be similar.

October 18, 2024

Does work take longer if it's done offshore?

93% of communication is non-verbal, right? Anyone who is monolingual and has been on holiday to a country where they don't speak the language will either conclude that the figure is wrong or only the 7% counts.

October 18, 2024

How do you incorporate staff augmentation into your workforce planning?

When adapting your workforce with offshore staff augmentation, quite a few things can go wrong.

October 18, 2024

What public holidays will team members/staff in India take?

This question frequently arises with clients considering developing a remote component of their team in India. It is an important question too. For practical workforce planning considerations and to respect people’s time away from work for celebrations, it is essential to understand differences in public holidays between countries where your team or customers are.

October 18, 2024

Have you seen a Monday | Zoho | Hubspot | Clickup | Salseforce | advert, bought your licenses and booked your onboarding call with the vendor?

Moving business management processes onto a digital platform is a good idea if you get the processes and platform right. Sometimes, all you need is an onboarding call with the vendor and you will be able to get going. However, suppose your organisation has ten people or more or is growing quickly.

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