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MFAA PD Day, Melbourne

The event is expired

Wed., Feb. 14, 2018

St Kilda, Victoria Encore St Kilda Beach

Broker industry in review – Regulatory change and the path forward for your business

Featuring representatives from ASIC, Government advising firm GRACosway, the Combined Industry Forum (CIF) and the MFAA presenting on key regulatory changes and how these may impact your business in 2018.

The panel will consist of:

  • Mike Felton, MFAA CEO
  • Richard King, GRACosway
  • Anthony Waldron, Chair of the CIF, Executive General Manager, Broker Partnerships, NAB
  • Mark Haron, Deputy Chair of the CIF, Director, Connective
  • ASIC Representative

Maximising the Value of Your Business
Nick Young, Managing Director, Trail Homes

There’s no doubt that a trail book is a precious commodity, and that the stability of its ongoing revenue stream is highly valued. What’s becoming increasingly realised is that this same asset can be a powerful tool to support business growth, as well as become the basis for a smart exit strategy.

Trail book and financial services specialist, Nick Young, will provide a comprehensive session on how to use a trail book as a valuable resource throughout your career.

Business Success – The Fundamentals and Implementation Strategies
Androulla Sakkas, Founder, EmpowerBeyond

Business success means different things to different people. Some want more time or more money and others want both.  I’m sure we all wouldn’t mind more of either of those.

Androulla will share with you the four fundamentals of having a successful business and the tools to assist you with:

  • Productivity vs busyness
  • Creating routine/systems and processes
  • Increasing prospects and clients
  • Reducing overwhelm and stress

Local Update
Robert Doyle AC, Lord Mayor, City of Melbourne

Elected in 2008, 2012 and 2016, Robert is the longest-serving Mayor of Melbourne. The Mayor will provide an overview of the future plans for Melbourne and what will be happening in 2018.

Network in the supporter showcase with AAMC, Banjo, Credit Fix Solutions, Heritage Bank, Moula, Premium Car Search, Proviso, Teachers Mutual Bank & Victorian Mortgage Group.

About our presenters 

Nick Young – Managing Director, Trail Homes

Androulla Sakkas – Founder, EmpowerBeyond

Robert Doyle – Lord Mayor, City of Melbourne

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