Bahrije has 21 years of experience in business development and B2B distribution coordination for large multinational corporations in financial services. She is well-versed in product and business line initiation, set-up, restructuring, and reorganization and believes in data-driven decision-making. Throughout her career, she has designed and developed sales metrics, management systems, customer journey processes, actions, and KPIs, from onboarding to cross/upselling and retention or attrition prevention. Bahrije has built strong sales and distribution teams that delivered robust results in changing market conditions. She has spent her career creating ways clients would get better value from their financial services providers, be it through innovative products and services, optimized and efficient customer journeys, or simply better-personalized service. Within her previous position, Bahrije witnessed first-hand how digital and technology solutions can improve efficiency and effectiveness in the organization, freeing up considerable time spent on menial and repetitive work to be used in far more creative ways that help propel the business forward and offers clients a first-class experience. This has been a fascinating experience for Bahrije, inspiring her to be part of this transformation of work with the help of digital solutions. Bahrije is motivated by opportunities to build sustainable, resilient businesses that can scale extensively. Before partnering with Valenta, Bahrije focused on growing and expanding customer experience and wholesale banking. As a sales leader in Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo, she served SMEs and is vastly aware of their needs for further scaling.
Bahrije ka mbi 20 vjet pervoje ne mbeshtetjen dhe kordinimin e bizniseve B2B. Ajo ka njohuri te thella ne ate se si operojne kompanite nga aspekti I produkteve, linjave te ndryshme te biznisit, themelimit, reorganizmin dhe ristrukturimin e kompanise. Ajo beson se vendimet duhet te mirren ne baze te te dhenave empirike dhe gjate karrieres se saj ajo ka dizajnuar e zhvilluar metodologji, sisteme menagjimi te shitjes qe nga planifikimi e deri te percjellja dhe mirembajtja e portoflios se klinteve. Bahrije ka ngritur ekipe te fuqishme te shitjes dhe distribuimit te cilat kane dhene rezultate te larta ne kushtet e nje tregu qe ndryshon nga dita ne dite. Ajo gjate karieres se saj ka gjetur menyra ashtu qe klientet te marrin nje vlere te shtuar nga institucinet finaciare te tyre, qofte permes produkteve dhe sherbimeve inovative, me procese te optimizuara apo edhe me sherbim te personalizuar. Gjate pervojes se kaluar ajo ishte deshmitare se si inovacionet ne lemin e technologjise dhe transformit digjital mund te permiresojne efikasitetin e kompanise duke menjanuar detyrat e perseritshme dhe rutinore ne menyre qe kapaciteti njerezor te koncentrohet ne detyra kreative qe sjellin vlere te shtuar ne kompani qofte ne aspektin e sherbimit me efikas per klientet e tyre qofte ne reduktimin e kostove per kompanite. E gjithe kjo ka qene nje experience shume e dobishme per Bahrijen duke e inspiruar ate qe te behet pjese e transformimit ne lemin e digjitalizimit dhe rritjes se efikasitetit ne kompanite e mesme dhe te vogla. Bahrije eshte e motivuar te shfrytezoje mundesite e shumta per ndertimin e bizniseve qe te jene te qendrueshme, me mundesi te adoptimit gjate procesit te zhvillimit. Para se te filloj bashkepunimin me Valenta, Bahrije ka patur fokus zhillimin e marredhenieve me kliente nga aspekti financiar I tyre. SI lidere e shitjeve ne Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo ajo u ka sherbyer ndremarrjeve te vogla dhe te mesme dhe eshte shume e vetedijsme per nevojen e tyre per zhvillim te metejme.