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Just like many businesses and professionals, Financial Planners can benefit from virtual assistant services. We have placed many paraplanners and virtual assistants with our Financial Planner clients. When it comes to a virtual assistant for financial advisors, we have found that the best way to leverage them is to offload all non in person tasks and all non-financial planning tasks. In this article we will discuss the roles filled by virtual assistants for financial services, benefits of a virtual assistant for financial advisors, and why a financial professional might select Valenta virtual assistant services.
Role of a Virtual Assistant for Financial Services
The main differences between a virtual assistant for financial services and paraplanners is that a virtual admin will not prepare any financial plans. They will instead be involved in the behind the scenes administrative tasks. A virtual assistant for financial advisors can help in many ways when it comes to client onboarding. They can also help with the ongoing customer relationships and prepare meeting agendas, meeting summaries and follow up correspondence. CRM entry an updates can be made as well as managing other client databases. Virtual assistant financial services can include the completion of forms. For example, our admins have experience with Schwab, EQIS, Kingdom Trust, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, and more institutional forms. A virtual assistant for financial advisors can also complete daily reporting tools like Orion and Tamarac and create and send quarterly reports and monthly newsletters.
Benefits of a Virtual Assistant for Financial Advisors
The benefits of a virtual assistant for financial services all comes down to making the Financial Planner and the Financial Advisor office more productive and efficient. Going with a third party provider and leveraging virtual assistant financial services can also help to fill roles that otherwise might not get filled. It can be hard to hire and retain staff these days and admin roles at Financial Planners can be challenging roles to hire people for. Besides finding staff for unfilled roles virtual assistant financial services can place resources more economically. Often times the roles we fill come in at one third to one half the cost of local personnel. These savings can be passed on to local staff and help with retention, motivation and paying for higher value work locally. Additional benefits of virtual assistant financial services is being able to focus on what is most important and provide better customer care leading to increased client satisfaction. The bottom line however this that virtual assistant financial services help an office get stuff done and get more things done
Why Valenta Virtual Assistant Financial Services
We have a lot of experience with Financial Planner and Financial Services at Valenta. When we approach our staff augmentation services, we have many goals and objectives. All of our objectives are centered on helping our clients be the best version of themselves. First and foremost, we help our clients focus on their customer and clients. We also help businesses acquire needed skills that may be difficult to find. As we said earlier, hiring and retaining staff can be a challenge and we can offload that. We also aim to reduce staffing expenses for our clients so that they can free up financial resources for other purposes in their business. All of this leads to increased revenue and profitability. We offer our clients flexible engagements and commercial terms. We provide month to month contracts that are easy to ramp up or scale down.
Learn More and Reach Out
If you would like to learn more about Valenta virtual assistant financial services, please feel free to contact us at any time. Our virtual assistants for financial advisors capabilities improve productivity and efficiency in addition to reducing costs and eliminating staffing headaches. Our main page for paraplanners and financial assistants is located here. Our page for virtual assistants for any business is also helpful and a great resource for more information. Finally, if you are a Financial Planner and would like to take an assessment on how to improve your efficiency please find this Check List for Financial Planners.